Am Bild ist der Hauptlesesaal der Lesesäle am Heldenplatz zu sehen.

Our Reading Rooms provide comfortable working spaces

The site at Heldenplatz is the central service facility of the Austrian National Library. Here you can find printed material published from 1851.With five reading rooms and 420 individual places to read in a stimulating atmosphere, it provides the perfect place for students, researchers and interested individuals.

Our reading rooms are air-conditioned for comfortable stay at the library and have subject-specific open-shelves (encyclopaedias, general sources and reference works, handbooks, bibliographies, specialist encyclopedias, specialist dictionaries and language dictionaries). 

Furthermore, by buying a day ticket or annual membership card, you have complete access to our wide range of library services, to the Internet and to subscribed databases, as well as electronic magazines. Use our catalogue Quicksearch  to search, view and order items from our main catalogue. Our librarians will be happy to advise and provide support with scientific research.

For detailed information: How to use the library 

Reading rooms at Heldenplatz and the departments

Due to a legally required works meeting, all user facilities of the Austrian National Library (reading rooms at Heldenplatz and collections) will not open until 11.30 a.m. on Thursday, 21 November, 2024.


Please note the opening hours during the holidays.

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